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Post by Butterfly » Sun May 05, 2019 2:32 pm

I've seen only 2 fledgelings so far, which is a bit odd as I thought they would all leave the nest together from the colony? :unsure: Parents are still taking food away, so the rest are still in the nests.
I forgot how cute and clumsy the little ones are :D :love: :hug2: . And noisy :hyper:

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Post by Butterfly » Sun May 05, 2019 3:11 pm

Managed to take a picture of one without spooking them all. He/she discovered a water dish/bird bath! :love: :D

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Post by Willpar » Sun May 05, 2019 5:09 pm

They are very cute butterfly. Hope I will see some soon. But they will have to learn quickly, as there are a number of cats around where I live. Hopefully they wont go on the ground to much.

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Post by Butterfly » Sun May 05, 2019 5:54 pm

From what I've seen Willpar, starlings are very clever birds, and very organised, they monitor and assess the area so they are aware of local predators. I see one or two of them always keeping guard high in the trees while others are eating and bathing. I heard them alerting the rest if they see any threat and all of them fly for cover, so your starling fledgelings should be fine. I know accidents can and do happen but I think they are in less danger because they work as a group and support each other. I'm sure you will see, or should I say hear :D , your fledgelings any day now :nod:
There was 3 of them earlier, so it looks like another one fledged during the day :flying: :woohoo:
I was worried about the jackdaws that come to the feeder lately, and they came again today, but they didn't show any sigh of aggression, or interest for that matter, in the fledgelings :unsure:

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Post by Jacksparrow » Sun May 05, 2019 7:53 pm

Butterfly wrote:
Sun May 05, 2019 10:38 am
They fledged!!! :flying: :woohoo: :clap: :hyper: . I got woken up at 6.50am this morning by the familiar screaming :woohoo: :D
Aaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dogrun: :bolt:

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Post by Butterfly » Sun May 05, 2019 10:06 pm

Ikr! I'm thinking of getting some ear plugs for the next few days :laugh:

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Post by Butterfly » Mon May 06, 2019 9:49 pm

They just love their baths! They learn to bath before they learn to eat, just love it :D

This adult is finding it hard not to fall off while trying to feed newly fledged ones :laugh:

Its been a hectic noisy day :hyper:

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Post by Willpar » Tue May 07, 2019 10:04 am

Lovely to see the fledglings butterfly. Look nice and healthy.

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Post by Butterfly » Tue May 07, 2019 12:33 pm

They all have a strong pair of lungs I can assure you :nod: :laugh:
Joke aside, yes, they are really lovely and healthy and chubby :love: , and they are such quick learners, some of them are starting to self feed :)
They still can't get it right and get fed by parents, but they do get a mealworm or two :D . And they are so so funny! Earlier, while the parents were feeding them, one of them run up to a blackbird who was nearby and opened its beak wide screaming "feed me" ! I wish I could capture the moment, the blackbird reaction was priceless, he was like "are you serious :rolleyes: ?!" :rofl:
On a negative side, there was one window strike by one of the fledgelings :( , luckily not a fatal one, the little one was just a bit dazed but after a minute flew off. But I did run to the glass doors waving my hands twice, when I saw them flying toward it :eek: :faint: . I have to be vigilant when at home, at least at the beginning until they learn.
I believe some of them are still in the nests as the parents are still taking the food away :)

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Post by Butterfly » Thu May 09, 2019 12:07 pm

They are all over the place at the moment, literally, and their landing skills are not up to scratch yet. This one landed right on top of my plant, by accident :rolleyes:

I've seen them doing this many times, mimic the movements when bathing, but just outside the bath, I don't know why but its hilarious :rofl:

Still screaming non stop :hyper: , but they are getting better at self feeding so it wont be long now till they don't have to chase parents and yell :)
They keep flying into the garden glass doors though, its so distressing :( . No fatalities but they definitely hurt themselves as it takes them a while sometimes to recover :( . I'm gonna try and put clingfilm on my windows tomorrow, to try and stop reflection, maybe that will help :shrug:

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