They all have a strong pair of lungs I can assure you
Joke aside, yes, they are really lovely and healthy and chubby

, and they are such quick learners, some of them are starting to self feed
They still can't get it right and get fed by parents, but they do get a mealworm or two

. And they are so so funny! Earlier, while the parents were feeding them, one of them run up to a blackbird who was nearby and opened its beak wide screaming "feed me" ! I wish I could capture the moment, the blackbird reaction was priceless, he was like "are you serious

On a negative side, there was one window strike by one of the fledgelings

, luckily not a fatal one, the little one was just a bit dazed but after a minute flew off. But I did run to the glass doors waving my hands twice, when I saw them flying toward it

. I have to be vigilant when at home, at least at the beginning until they learn.
I believe some of them are still in the nests as the parents are still taking the food away