Fantastic bit of info and great bit of filming placi. Enjoyed that. These are the Starlings owned by Lloyd and Rose Buck. I went to see them at the Hawk Conservancy last weekend. Three hours of great entertainment and knowledge sharing. They brought along their Raven and Owl, but the Starlings stole the show. They only brought along five, because the other two didn't want to come (they let the birds decide). Similarly, most of the Starlings on TV (RSPB advert, Poldark etc) are their birds and for the RSPB ad, only one would go into a nesting box, so that's the one they used.Placido wrote:Maybe this explains the age-old mystery of why some mommy sturks have more sturklets than other mommy sturks:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0 ... he-rainbow
Click on 27.31 for the answer (the following bit about eagles is good too).