More Starling.This time with sound
This one should be Table Manners, not the last one which caption i have changed.
This one should be Table Manners, not the last one which caption i have changed.
Ah, your old table set-up, peregrine
and a reminder of what's to come
Aww - the little ones looking up and the crows crowing it out there

Aww - the little ones looking up and the crows crowing it out there

Fantastic vid Peregrine!!!! Those youngsturks need to learn to be a bit more....errrrm, quiet!! I kinda hope that they will learn to not upset humans and not attract Cats in the future!!! Their survival depends on it!!
Not the best year this year, but I do have six adults who are very attentive. Stroppy Sturk is back for the third year running and spends most of his time either watching out for his lady, or chasing off challengers to the food store. Haven't worked out yet which Sturks are attached to which families, but I'm reckoning that there are two. Will leave the stats to the mathematicians!!!!
What I do know, is that the last feeds at 6pm and 7pm is pretty vital. All of the late comers that have had a bad day tend to turn up. I've switched my 'Willpar Mix' to include many more mealworms on the last feeds this year and it appears to be doing the trick.
Not the best year this year, but I do have six adults who are very attentive. Stroppy Sturk is back for the third year running and spends most of his time either watching out for his lady, or chasing off challengers to the food store. Haven't worked out yet which Sturks are attached to which families, but I'm reckoning that there are two. Will leave the stats to the mathematicians!!!!
What I do know, is that the last feeds at 6pm and 7pm is pretty vital. All of the late comers that have had a bad day tend to turn up. I've switched my 'Willpar Mix' to include many more mealworms on the last feeds this year and it appears to be doing the trick.

That's interesting Bikey - I too always put out a 'supper feed' and they wait for it. Going to bed on a full tum is important !!
Just love my late visitors placi. How would any bird know to come to my garden up until 8pm and be guaranteed a variety of food that would mostly suit them? They have to be birds that have done this in previous years or birds that have spoken to birds that have done this in previous years. Like that thought, so I'll stick with it. 

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Do the supper time diners get a nice warming cup of cocoa before they go to roostBiker wrote:Just love my late visitors placi. How would any bird know to come to my garden up until 8pm and be guaranteed a variety of food that would mostly suit them? They have to be birds that have done this in previous years or birds that have spoken to birds that have done this in previous years. Like that thought, so I'll stick with it.