Disaster the other day. Bird table post snapped just below ground level. Luckily had a new feeder that I hadn't assembled. Metal one with four hooks at the top and a couple of rings for dishes further down. Set it all up and guess who were the first to use it. Correct, the STURKLINGS
Don't know what the Collared Doves will think. Don't think any more than two will get on the seed feeder. Time will tell.
Don't know what the Collared Doves will think. Don't think any more than two will get on the seed feeder. Time will tell.
I'll bet them thar Sturkies were watching your every move as you set up the new feeder!!
Would love to see a photo of the new feeder. 

Got some changes to make to the feeding areas some time this weekend depending on the weather. Will post pic after that.
Still getting a crowd of starlings at the windows first thing and now later on.
I changed the window feeding cups to small plastic 'house' ones (with an apex roof). It took the birds about ten days to really get used to the change - the feeders hold more food, which keeps drier for longer.
I see about 40 gathering on a flat roof opposite and then they swirl around in the air for a bit

I changed the window feeding cups to small plastic 'house' ones (with an apex roof). It took the birds about ten days to really get used to the change - the feeders hold more food, which keeps drier for longer.
I see about 40 gathering on a flat roof opposite and then they swirl around in the air for a bit

New feeding station after old table collapsed. First visitors were the Sturks. But there has been a House Sparrow, Robin, Coal Tit, Blue Tit and three Great Tits but there is room for improvement. Collared Doves haven't been yet but may have trouble landing on the seed tray. Will need to wait and see and may need to make some adjustments.