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Post by nuthatch » Sun Aug 03, 2014 5:23 pm

Thanks peregrine :) I wasn't taught that metric mumbo jumbo either :D so would have had to look up the metric measurement :rolleyes:

I don't understand this country - why do peeps still say they're 6' 2", weigh 12st 3lbs, order pints of beer and the road signs state distances in miles?

I suppose regarding the first two, the Government can't always hear what we're saying and haul us in the Magistrates' Court for speaking Olde Imperial English :laugh:

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Post by Placido » Mon Aug 04, 2014 1:05 pm

I agree too. I categorically refuse to speak European. (I bet there isn't a smilie for that :D)

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Post by Biker » Thu Aug 14, 2014 7:38 pm

Two recent Sturk adventurks:

A visit to the zoo with the grandchildren attracted a very tame adult Sturkling at lunchtime. The bird was eating sausage rolls and cheese rolls out of my hand. Amazing experience and a very cute bird. Talk about up close and personal. When my daughter asked me what I enjoyed most during the day, I had to admit that feeding this Sturkling topped the lot!!! :)

Today, a very old adult Sturkling turned up in my garden. Either exhausted from feeding Sturklets or just old. This bird got very special attention. He/she was cautious, but didn't fly away when I took some food out. Just watched and then jumped on the feeders when I had gone indoors. I'm trying to tempt the bird to make use of my nesting hole in the garage wall, but no success yet, despite pointing to it and saying to the bird, 'here......make your home here'. The Sturkie was paying attention, but I suspect that the language barrier may have been a problem. I guess I should have said, 'Urk, urk, urky urk, urk'....... Will try and get a pic if the bird is still around tomorrow. Lovely looking Sturkie. :nod:

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Post by Jacksparrow » Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:19 pm

You have a magnetic personality as far as Sturks are concerned Biker. :)

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Post by Placido » Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:02 pm

You're (fairly) good with a crayon, Bikey - why not put up a descriptive drawing of a sturkling residence and a pointing arrow >>>>>>>> ?? No language barrier then :)

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Post by Biker » Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:30 pm

:clap: That appeals to me placi!!! You just know that I am going to do that!!!

:) I hope so Jacksparra. That would be nice. The old Sturkie hasn't gone for the nesting box in the garage wall, so I've put a hanging feeder just alongside it, in the hopes that the Sturkie will land on it and think, 'ello, what's this 'ole' can but try eh? :)

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Post by nuthatch » Fri Aug 15, 2014 7:40 am

:laugh: Biker - I bet you were all tickled pink with that Sturkling at the zoo :laugh:

The nest box is inside the garage against the wall with a hole cut in the garage wall about the same size as the nest box hole ?? :yes:

I've wanted to try that for a long time :)

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Post by Biker » Fri Aug 15, 2014 7:24 pm

Yep to both nuthatch. :)

When they replaced my garage roof, a small hole was left under the hangover, so I built a box on the inside. Birds have used it, but only as a roosting site at the moment. It's funny when I'm in the garage playing bikes and I can hear a Sturkie chatting away to itself. :D

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Post by Jacksparrow » Fri Aug 15, 2014 8:24 pm

Biker wrote:Yep to both nuthatch. :)

It's funny when I'm in the garage playing bikes and I can hear a Sturkie chatting away to itself. :D

I think you'll find it is not talking to itself but rather trying to remind an old biker fettling his mount that it is way past Sturky feeding time. :feedbirds: :nod:

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