Two recent Sturk adventurks:
A visit to the zoo with the grandchildren attracted a very tame adult Sturkling at lunchtime. The bird was eating sausage rolls and cheese rolls out of my hand. Amazing experience and a very cute bird. Talk about up close and personal. When my daughter asked me what I enjoyed most during the day, I had to admit that feeding this Sturkling topped the lot!!!
Today, a very old adult Sturkling turned up in my garden. Either exhausted from feeding Sturklets or just old. This bird got very special attention. He/she was cautious, but didn't fly away when I took some food out. Just watched and then jumped on the feeders when I had gone indoors. I'm trying to tempt the bird to make use of my nesting hole in the garage wall, but no success yet, despite pointing to it and saying to the bird, 'here......make your home here'. The Sturkie was paying attention, but I suspect that the language barrier may have been a problem. I guess I should have said, 'Urk, urk, urky urk, urk'....... Will try and get a pic if the bird is still around tomorrow. Lovely looking Sturkie.