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Post by Biker » Wed Aug 20, 2014 8:39 pm

Brilliant Jacksparra!!! That is a clever adult Sturk!! My old'un is not quick enough for that. He/she is could do with a walking stick sometimes. I actually wondurked if the bird was the great, great grandparent and the two youngsturks were carers!!

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Post by Jacksparrow » Wed Aug 20, 2014 9:50 pm

Biker wrote:Brilliant Jacksparra!!! That is a clever adult Sturk!! My old'un is not quick enough for that. He/she is could do with a walking stick sometimes. I actually wondurked if the bird was the great, great grandparent and the two youngsturks were carers!!
Like it , care in the communurky. :)

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Post by nuthatch » Thu Aug 21, 2014 8:06 am

:( Don't the youngsturks feel abandoned though, when they can't find their parent?

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Post by Biker » Thu Aug 21, 2014 11:36 am

Me'be not nuthatch. The Youngsturks should all be old enough now to feed on their own and not bothurk the exhausted adults. My lot are pretty much independent now.
Old Sturk was in again this morning and I hope I managed to get some better pictures. Will post them later if they are any good. The amazing thing is that the two Sturklets were there again, but this time they were strategically placed and clearly on lookout, whilst Old Sturk hobbled around the ground picking up (probably) insects. This continued for a good half hour and the Sturklets remained in place throughout, looking around all of the time. Sounds daft, but me'be Jacksparra's 'care in the communurky' comment is not far from the truth on this occasion!! :)

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Post by Biker » Thu Aug 21, 2014 10:29 pm

Betturk, but by no means good photos of Old Sturk. The Youngsturk on the feeding pole is one of the two that are always with this bird. When I put some food out today, Old Sturk remained on the pole feeder and let me do me stuff. The bird struggles to fly short distances to water baths and feeders, so I have made some food and drink available on the ground. Having said that, this bird is no slow coach and avoided 'Black Cats' advances (thanks to an early warning by the Sturklets) by flying vertically to the highest point of the Cotton-wotsit (which is about 8ft).

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Post by nuthatch » Fri Aug 22, 2014 8:37 am

They are great :photo: Biker.

The youngsturks really seem to be looking after Old Sturk - that's lovely and interesting to see and look out for :)

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Post by Placido » Fri Aug 22, 2014 11:46 am

That's amazing that the young 'uns look out for Old Sturk :) . Good for them, obviously being raised correctly.

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Post by Biker » Fri Aug 22, 2014 7:29 pm

It is a delight to watch nuthatch and placi. I have never seen or read anything like this. Old Sturk is clearly very old. The colouring is faded (although still iridescent when the light is right), not too many spots and a very grey beak. The bird let me walk straight past this afternoon and just moved out of the way and went around the back of me. I am clearly not seen as a threat.
About 10 mins ago, I went out to top up the feeders and change the water for the late comers and the two Sturklets flew off (didn't see them hiding in the cotton-wotsit). Old Sturk was there too and just moved up a few branches whilst I did the biz. I have a feeling that this bird is roosting very close and the two Sturklets are not far away, but I don't think any of them took up my invitation to stop over at 'Bikers Garage Hole In The Wall Hotel'.

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Post by Jacksparrow » Fri Aug 22, 2014 8:37 pm

We are very near the time the Sturks have their annual moult. Old Sturk may look a good deal better when he? gets his new set of spots. I am wondering if his/her reluctance to fly is somehow related to the moult and some of the main flight feathers are slow coming through. :shrug:

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Post by Biker » Fri Aug 22, 2014 9:22 pm

Excellent Jacksparra. Many thanks. I hadn't thought of that. The Sturkie struggles with short flights but does ok with longer flights and the matt look of the flight feathurks fits. I will try to get some clearer pics so that you can have a closer look. :yes:

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