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Post by Biker » Wed Jun 08, 2016 1:28 am

Only had a couple of screaming Sturklets this year. The rest were mostly well behaved. A mixture of parents looking after them who return about 8pm each night to enjoy a special Willpar mix and very fresh water that they enjoy a lot!!! Gotta make sure that them hard working parents get food too and a chance to bath and drink. They are joined by several Sparrow adults (got different feeders for them), two Magpie adults, One male Blackbird (Shadow #4) and one Jay. 8pm is a nice time to sit out in the garden.
Pleased to announce that all this has occurred despite the neighbour over the back of me moving their 2ft (swinging head) plastic eagle owl within inches of my garden, attaching six bin bag liners to their washing line with metal anti bird spikes between each, putting a spike that will easily attract a lightening strike on the top of their clothes pole and using a device that sends out bird distress calls. Gawd knows what they'll think of next.
Placi said that nature would evolve to cope with this kind of nonsense and thankfully placi is right so far. Guess it helps that 99% of neighbours are very pro wildlife.

Enjoyed the company of two very cute Sturklets today who decided to stay put whilst I put out some fresh water. Neither indulged, but they did seem very interested in what I was doing and not bothered by it at all. :) :) :)

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Post by nuthatch » Wed Jun 08, 2016 7:04 am

God, what's the matter with those neighbours?! - are they on glue or something :(

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Post by Willpar » Wed Jun 08, 2016 7:15 am

You have some very unsavoury neighbours Bikey. But Karma is a wonderful thing, it will catch up with them at some point.

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Post by Placido » Wed Jun 08, 2016 11:51 am

Bikey, have you ever considered that it may not be the sturks which your neighbours wish to discourage ........ ??

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Post by Jacksparrow » Wed Jun 08, 2016 7:40 pm

Is there a Gull problem around your area Biker as I can't believe your neighbours have gone to all this trouble to try and discourage a few Sturks. :shrug:

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Post by Biker » Wed Jun 08, 2016 10:41 pm

:D Must be superglue nuthatch!! :D Yes Willpar, I've planted some really nice native shrubs in the half of my back garden that borders theirs. By next year, there will be more rustling of plants than bin bags! :nod:
It's not the Sturks placi, although they are the worse affected.
Yes Jacksparra. Living on an island with sea just 1/2 mile in each direction means a lot of Seagulls (none feed in my garden by they are overhead all the time and some neighbours throw scraps onto the garage roofs for them). There are also a lot of pigeons (woodie and feral) who do sometimes swamp my garden. These neighbours have a fully decked garden so I am told, with no plants to be seen so they clearly prefer a sterile environment and I doubt that any birds flying across their garden are welcome.

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Post by nuthatch » Thu Jun 09, 2016 6:39 am

:rolleyes: They should live on a boat - that's where decking belongs :smash:

Do they use the line for washing as well, I wonder - probably goes in a tumble dryer in case it gets dirty outside :cry3:

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Post by Placido » Thu Jun 09, 2016 7:44 pm

Aaaahhaaahh, it's all coming out now. Bikey's sorely put-upon neighbours have to contend with loadsa seagulls. Now we didn't know that.
We thought, not surprisingly, that the problem was purely sturks queuing on everyone's clothes lines waiting to be auditioned for the next episode of The Sturkling Adventures (crowd scenes).

Frankly, I'm on the neighbours' side. Someone should ring The Council.

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Post by Jacksparrow » Thu Jun 09, 2016 8:23 pm

Placido wrote:Aaaahhaaahh, it's all coming out now. Bikey's sorely put-upon neighbours have to contend with loadsa seagulls. Now we didn't know that.
We thought, not surprisingly, that the problem was purely sturks queuing on everyone's clothes lines waiting to be auditioned for the next episode of The Sturkling Adventures (crowd scenes).

Frankly, I'm on the neighbours' side. Someone should ring The Council.
:laugh: :nod: :iagree:

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Post by Biker » Thu Jun 09, 2016 10:50 pm

nuthatch wrote::rolleyes: They should live on a boat - that's where decking belongs :smash:

Do they use the line for washing as well, I wonder - probably goes in a tumble dryer in case it gets dirty outside :cry3:

:clap: :rofl: "on a boat" lovit nuthatch!!!! :laugh:

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