I am currently waging a silent war on the ferals. It is their habit to rock up mob handed about 8.30 am to hoover up any dropped seed from the feeders. As I have previously stated a few of them try to get seed directly from the feeders and in doing so prevent the smaller birds getting their breakfast. It goes something like this:-
8.30 approx they arrive
8.31 the first one gets onto the hanging feeder
8.31 and a bit I scare them off by rattling the catch on my patio door
8.34 they return.......
and so it goes on. After the initial arrival a few drift off after each scare leaving me with a determined gang of 8 or so who keep returning ad nauseum.
Eventually even they get fed up a fly off in search of greener pastures. It is usually getting near 10 am by then
12.30 The whole cycle starts again...........