THE ENVIRONMENT (The saving of)

For everything nature based that doesn't fit anywhere else!
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Re: THE ENVIRONMENT (The saving of)

Post by Jacksparrow » Thu Dec 12, 2019 9:05 pm

Placido wrote:
Thu Dec 12, 2019 6:06 pm
At dentist yesterday and the subject of bamboo socks came up 'twixt myself and his dental nurse. I had suggested to her an appropriate 'stocking filler' might be 3 pairs of bamboo socks - she'd never heard of them :eek: :unsure: - and the dentist chimed in to say that he had a pair of bamboo gardening gloves !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rara: :banana:
Everybody's doing it :nod: :clap:
I'm intrigued as to how a visit to the dentist gave rise a to conversation about bamboo socks and gloves. My visits rarely get beyond the standard greeting and questions about any problems. Then after a couple of minutes with fingers in my mouth I'm on my way to see the hygienist :shrug:

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Re: THE ENVIRONMENT (The saving of)

Post by Placido » Fri Dec 13, 2019 10:08 am

Well, clearly I'm on closer terms with my dentist (30+ years :nod:), Jacksparrow. He happens to be a cricket nut so there you go .....
Aaaanyway, lying back on the dentist's chair my new Japanese cherry blossom socks (a tasteful pink on a navy blue background) were spotted by the dental nurse (new) who thought they were briiiiill - which they are. So, spotting an opportunity to evangelise, I began to extol the virtues of same, and the dentist chimed in with the gardening gloves comment.
A new convert.
Saving the planet's easy ......

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Re: THE ENVIRONMENT (The saving of)

Post by Jacksparrow » Fri Dec 13, 2019 8:39 pm

Placido wrote:
Fri Dec 13, 2019 10:08 am
Well, clearly I'm on closer terms with my dentist (30+ years :nod:), Jacksparrow. He happens to be a cricket nut so there you go .....
Aaaanyway, lying back on the dentist's chair my new Japanese cherry blossom socks (a tasteful pink on a navy blue background) were spotted by the dental nurse (new) who thought they were briiiiill - which they are. So, spotting an opportunity to evangelise, I began to extol the virtues of same, and the dentist chimed in with the gardening gloves comment.
A new convert.
Saving the planet's easy ......
I had the same dentist for about 20 years up until the time he was offered silly money to sell his practice leaving me in the hands of a steady flow of others from different backgrounds and nations. Most have been OK dentists but conversations other than dental matters are not likely where English is not their first language. I will have to go down the outrageous sock route to see if the gives rise to anything less formal. :nod:

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Re: THE ENVIRONMENT (The saving of)

Post by Placido » Sat Dec 14, 2019 10:13 am

I had a liiiitle feeling that might be the case, Jacksparrow. Many many many now caught in that insoluble problem.

Promise you: the bamboo sox thing is no hardship. Why wouldn't you want to feel 'cool' and comfy at the same time. Maybe Santa will ..... :)

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