Here's our Fox taken tonight.
I've set up in the past with the camera outside and a studio flash, but this scares him off, so that's out
This was taken through the kitchen window with just the light from a 300 watt security light.
For the technical minded, I used ISO1600 and canons cheapest lens , the 'nifty fifty' 50mm set to f1.8
I've set up in the past with the camera outside and a studio flash, but this scares him off, so that's out
This was taken through the kitchen window with just the light from a 300 watt security light.
For the technical minded, I used ISO1600 and canons cheapest lens , the 'nifty fifty' 50mm set to f1.8
The shadow is its own shadow being thrown by the security light - which is higher up at eaves level.nuthatch wrote:Greg, what is that dark shape in the foreground is it mostly a shadow of something?:
I can get a photo without it, but it's quite a set up - using an external flash to overcome it. Here's one from August taken like that; the problem is that the Fox scarpers! so I have to get it right first time
A fox has started taking the fat block again - I'd been having a couple weeks off from that.
I think he's had a little go at the dog biscuits I bought for him and even sprayed the side of the ground feeder they were in - it was still wet
I wonder if he'd eat more biscuits if I took the fat block away but I suppose he could be sharing the block with cubs
I think he's had a little go at the dog biscuits I bought for him and even sprayed the side of the ground feeder they were in - it was still wet
I wonder if he'd eat more biscuits if I took the fat block away but I suppose he could be sharing the block with cubs